I have some clarifications and additional information to updates 8 and 8A which I sent out a couple days ago via the class e-mail list. Miles Kirkhuff asked that I send out the message below. A couple of other things to note:
We're still in need of a volunteer to take over from Miles and Deb as the reunion lead. If you can help out, please e-mail Jim Demarest at james.t.demarest@gmail.com.
We've made some progress on the MIA list - thanks to all who've helped! I'm keeping an up to date list of MIAs in the blog section of the class website. You can get to it this this link. If you can help get me in contact with any of the folks on the list, please let me know.
Here's the latest message from Miles:
Redtags, The reunion dates are Wednesday 7 September thru Saturday 11 September. What follows is a synopsis of the events and basic times we are planning. Wednesday 7, September 1700 – 1900 Wednesday Meet & Greet Purpose: Opportunity for a short Meet and Greet for those that are arriving on Wednesday before heading out to dinner or with family or friends while at the same time trying to keep costs down. The Meet and Greet is scheduled for 2 hours and the bar will be open for the entire time. Food will be served for 1 hour (1730-1830). The event is not meant to be a replacement for dinner. During previous reunions we all just met in the bar at the host hotel. We decided to have our own room because we felt that the Antlers Lounge/Bar would not be able to absorb the number of people who said they would attend this event. Dress Code: Come as you are. Thursday 8, September 0830 – 1300 Golf Tournament – Pine Creek Country Club 1430 – 1700 Doolie Mini-Reunions 1700 – 2300 Thursday Night Social Gathering Friday 9, September 0800 – 1600 USAFA Open House 0830 – 0845 Class Photo 1400 – 1500 Class Memorial Ceremony 1530 – 1800 Grad Squadron Mini Reunions 1600 – 1730 ’82 Ladies Gathering 1800 – 2200 Class Banquet Saturday 10, September TBA Football Tailgate TBA USAFA vs CU TBA Post Football Game Gathering Billeting We have been notified of issues with trying to make reservations at the Antlers. We have been in contact with the contractor (Armed Forces Reunions - AFR) assisting us in executing our reunion plans. Hopefully we have this issue resolved. If you have already made reservations but need to change them (i.e., you wanted reservations from 7-11 Sep and you were told that they were unavailable, please contact the Antlers direct (719-955-5600 – Front Desk). They will be able to assist you in modifying your reservation. When the reunion hotel block was set, we only had a finite number of rooms to start with. If you run into room availability issues, please let me know ASAP and I will get with AFR to request additional rooms. If we reach our max, we will establish an overflow room block at a nearby hotel. Miles Miles & Deb (Mullen – “82) Kirkhuff USAFA Class 1982 40th Class Reunion Lead MDKirkhuff3@gmail.com 719-659-6665